Sunday, September 27, 2009

Uneducated and the Media

"The Media and the Uneducated Masses." 27 Sep 2009

This essay talked about how the media in interviews asks very biased questions. They say that they are more interested in getting the person interviewed mad and heated then worrying about the actual answers to the question. Talk show host also have the power to ask questions that they want to get a certain answer for. They have the ability to sway the interview the way that they want. The media also can only share what they want, they can just take segments of things to make it look bad or good.


I think that this is very true. The media can take an interview of politician and cut and piece together just what they want. There questions that they ask always have a person to either make them look good or bad. I think that its stupid that we have different TV stations for different political views. An example is Fox and CNN, Fox is very conservative while on the other hand CNN is very liberal in what they show. When I read this I thought about the movie "Mickey Mouse Monopoly" it is the same concept after a while maybe just one television station will control all the media. When that happens they will have control over the people of the world. Without two sides of a story we would never be able to compare and contrast them.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Media Effect on child weight

Schutte, Shana. "How TV affects your child's weight" September 13, 2009


Well this is such a great article. It talked about how kids will eat what they see on TV. it states that children under the age of nine still believe that all advertisements are true. Kids are being greatly influenced by characters that they love. If superman comes in the screen and tells them that he eats Lucky Charms then the kid is going to want that cereal. He wants to be just like superman. the article says that children will gain weight for every hour of TV that they watch. Young people today don't like to be very active and when you combine laziness with food intake there is going to be in increase in obesity. At the end it asks the parents to first better themselves before they buy the cereal for their children.

My response:

I love this article because it describes to me exactly what is wrong with our society today. i love it when people accuse the media of controlling our nation, when was the last time you saw a "5-year-old girl pushing a grocery cart through the snack section at the supermarket". You have never seen that because it is the parents that do most of the grocery shopping. I cant believe parents that give their kids everything that they ask for. All the adults are doing is ruining the lives of their children. Adults need to learn to say no to children even if they give a temper tantrum. I however agree that kids will eat what they see on TV. They want to do what their heroes are doing, that includes what they eat. i think that this is a growing problem and if it is not confronted soon, it will get increasingly worse.