Beresin, Eugene. "Media violence on children" August 29, 2009
This article talked alot about how easy it is to find weapons today. They said that children today have seen so much violence by the time that they are 18 that it is second nature.
that is second nature. They gave some very interesting stats in the article the said that 99% of Americans have televisions. Over 50% of kids have televisions in their room. The typical
American kid will see over 200,000 acts of violence which includes over 16,000 murders before they turn eighteen. It says T.V. programs show 812 acts of violence every hour.
Experts say that children see their Heroes be rewarded for saving the day with violence and try to imitate them. But it starts as soon as 4 years old doctors believe. They say that
children will use the same aggression in the playground that they see on cartoons. Its not only television but as well as music. There was a study that showed music videos were 15% violence.
The article goes on to give precautions to parents. They say to become media literate.
My Reactions
Well i think that this article hit the close to the spot. It was so true just based on my experiences as a child. I always wanted to be the person that saved the day at school or anywhere.
I know that when i was a kid i loved the more violent shows. I loved war movies and i still do but i am not a violent person. There is a way to control you emotions and everyone has to find out how.
I also believe that the parents have a huge effect on what there kids are able to view. It's not always the parents part but they could help reduce the type of children that they raise.
Kids today are becoming very lazy and that has alot to do with the problem. They are staying inside playing video games or watching TV instead of playing outside. This problem is not easily remedied but it
can be solved. We all have to do our own part.